RHK Strategies is proud to announce we have joined the Simunition® Reality-Based Training Community and is Certified by Simunition®, Our Instructors can train Military, Law Enforcement, and Law-Abiding Responsible Citizens with ‘The World Class and Proven Simunition® Training System’. Our Certified Instructors can now conduct the most realistic force-on force reality based training exercises. With the Simunition® Training System, classroom instruction has never been as realistic as now!
For well over a decade thousands of top-rated Law Enforcement and Military Instructors have exclusively used the proven World Class Simunition® Training System. This opportunity is now available to responsible law-abiding citizens! RHK now offers multiple programs to train with the most realistic, non-lethal, force-on-force and force-on-target training system!
Simunition® is the premier firearms scenario based training solution! Live-fire, using a handgun fitted with Simunition® conversion kit, loaded with Simunition® FX Marking Cartridges. Have you EVER contemplated firing a live round in self-defense at a threat?
Simunition®is a primer-driven, powder charged ammunition cartridge with colored detergent-marker filled plastic polymer projectiles used in a firearm against live targets in live-fire, force-on-force, critical incident and crisis training. It is the most technologically advanced firearms training program available today and it is available through RHK Strategies. Simunition® classes are not offered anywhere else in the State of New Jersey to the private sector. We offer training to responsible law abiding civilians, Military, and Law Enforcement.
Simunition® FX® Marking Cartridges are made to fit specific Simunition® conversion products because of their unique shape. They provide near normal recoil but with safe force-on-force, interactive, live-fire scenarios. Also with the convenience of Close-Quarter scenario training any time, any place. Our Training Safety Officers (TSOs), instructors and Officer In Charge (OIC) are there for you every step of the way. They are professionally trained by General Dynamics Simunition® staff.
Our Simunition® training system is comprised of the FX® marking ammo, for real-time identification of actual hits on target, the Simunition® weapon conversion kits, the Simunition® personal protective equipment (PPE), certified Training Safety Officers, Monitors, Instructors, and Officer In Charge (OIC).
Prerequisite: Intro to Tactical Pistol or Women’s / Men’s Self defense
One day of Scenario Based Force On Force Training:
Firearms, Simunition® FX® Marking Cartridges as needed, Simunition® PPE, Simunition® helmet, Simunition® neck protector, Simunition® groin protection, and Simunition® Gloves.
Cost: 1 Day / $250
Note: Law Enforcement and Military courses are custom tailored on a case by case basis, please contact us for more information