New Jersey Retired Police Officer Qualification (RPO):
Federal and NJ State law permits Retired Police Officers to carry firearms in NJ. RHK can provide qualification courses of fire to aid retired law enforcement officers with an opportunity to fulfill the requirements of those permits.
Please “contact us” by appointment only to coordinate availability and range location.
Proof of qualification will be provided to those who successfully complete the prescribed course of fire.
Retired Officers must bring their firearm, eye and ear protection, holster gear and a minimum of 100 rounds of ammunition for qualification.
Cost: $50.00
New Jersey Retired Law Enforcement Officer Program (RPO)
H.R. 218 – Federal Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (LEOSA)
H.R. 218 Government Printing Office “The Law” (PDF File)
H.R. 218 National Rifle Association Law Enforcement Activities Division